Booking: Montery International- Patrick McAuliff

PR: Daffodil Publicity- Samantha Tillman

New Media: PEG PR- Paula Gould

Film/TV Licensing: Scion Music Group

All Other Inquires:

6 Responses to “CONTACT”

  1. Do you have a song called “Pull the Cord”? Heard a great song, and was told it’s your song and it’s called “Pull the Cord.” Wanted to get the CD with that song on it, but can’t find it mentioned on the web. Some of the lyrics, “Did you ever pull the cord” […] If it is your song, which CD is it on? Thanks! –Kathleen

  2. Looking for the same song with DId you Ever Pull the Cord in it. My daughter was in a college play and loved the song. If it’s yours, where can I buy it?

  3. Kathleen, the name of the song is “Pull The Cord” and it is by the Steps. The cd is entitled “The Steps”.


  4. When will I be able to get Souvenir in the UK? And more importantly, when are you guys coming to tour the UK!!!

    • theblakes Says:

      I’m a few months late here! You can buy Souvenir from our store and we will ship it right out to you! There is a link to the store on the front page of the website. We hope to get out to the UK soon!

  5. glorious_red Says:

    always nice to hear you’re mixing again

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